Dr Dan Dhunna talks about the factors influencing ageing and the ageing process from his Harley Street clinic.
Read about the ageing process
When we are young, we’ve plump firm skin like a peach. When pressed and released, the skin returns to it’s natural form and shape almost instantly. As we get older, the skin cell turnover slows down. The skin loses its firmness elasticity as the body’s production of key components such as Collagen, Elastin and Hyaluronic acid are lost.
The skin becomes thinner and less subptle and dynamic lines and wrinkles begin to appear as a result of repeated facial expressions. This combines with the loss of subcutaneous fat and bone resorption especially across the mid face and jaw line, lead to loss of volume and a laxity of the tissues which causes folds and sagging.
The face looses its natural high shape, leading to flatter, squarer, less youthful look. This is what is called Intrinsic or natural ageing. Extrinsic aging is the process brought on by external elements such as smoking and sun damage which accelerate the ageing process and can be avoided. Diet, alcohol intake and general lifestyle habits will also cause toxins a few radicals to build up in the body, causing damage, leading to skin dehydration, and a dull completion.