Everyone’s face is as unique as their personality and spirit. But we can group different faces in to several categories of facial shape. If you ever wondered what face shape you have, take a look in the mirror and use the following descriptions to decipher! –
- Oval – the face gradually tapers towards the chin with a wider forehead, prominent cheekbones (commonly considered the ‘ideal’ face shape for a woman)
- Long – The face is elongated from forehead to chin and gradually tapers towards the chin. Many people with long faces have prominent chins.
- Round – the face width and length are almost the same and the widest area is at the cheeks.
- Square – the forehead, cheeks and chin are almost the same width and a square and bony jawline is most prominent (commonly considered the ideal face shape for a man).
- Diamond – the face is highly angular and bony. It is widest at the temples. This face shape is not as common as others.
If you have never considered your face shape, you might be surprised at what you discover. If you have always been happy with the shape of your face then that is great news. However, so many of us look in the mirror and aren’t happy with ‘something’ but aren’t quite sure what that ‘something’ is! In many cases, the culprit is facial ageing which can alter the shape of your face over time. For example, if in youth you had a relatively oval shaped face, the loss of bone mass, tissues such as fat and muscle and a sagging of the skin could mean your face becomes more square in its appearance over time. A square face is considered more masculine and is fine if you are a man, but if you are a woman and start to see these changes, it can be very distressing. If you had a round face and the ageing process meant some weight gain, you could be unhappy with how that affects your visage.
Fortunately there are non-surgical applications that aesthetic doctors can now provide, which can assist with facial shaping and contouring. Dr Dan Dhunna offers dermal fillers, using products in a range of thicknesses (viscosities) and state-of-the-art injection techniques with both cannulas and traditional needles to subtly alter the shape of your face for astounding youth-giving results!
How do dermal fillers change the shape of your face?
Dermal fillers, when viscous in their consistency will help to mould and shape certain facial features as well as adding volume and creating a lifting effect for the skin. When injected in to the cheeks, they can lift up the lower facial portions. When placed in the chin and jawline, they can help disguise a double chin. When injected in to the temple region, the eyebrows can be lifted and the face can lose that square, harsh or skeletal appearance. We can even correct an asymmetrical or bumpy nose for a more pleasing profile and balance to the rest of the facial features. The possibilities with dermal fillers for facial correction and anti-ageing really are limitless.
Using dermal fillers to alter the face shape can have such a significant effect, it can take years off a patient’s appearance. As the ageing process comes to us all, but the extensive knowledge of how to inject dermal fillers to correct those changes is only held by a relative few, seeking advice and treatment from a fully-qualified medical professional such as Dr Dan Dhunna can mean the difference between feeling “ok” about your looks and feeling “amazing”. Lotions and creams aren’t going to make a difference to our underlying bone structure, tissue formation, fat pads and the laxity of our skin (though they do a nice job of moisturising the upper-most layers), but dermal fillers can act as a saviour – lifting, toning and fixing those minor and more significant imperfections we only thought possible with invasive surgery.
Yes, you will need to return for top up treatments, as dermal fillers offer temporary results, but this means that as your face continues to change over time, you can have a bespoke, tailored treatment every time you return to one of Dr Dan Dhunna’s clinics in London and the Midlands, for the best results possible. The financial cost of dermal fillers as opposed to facelift or implant surgery speaks for itself and is a fraction of what you would pay, should you choose to undergo a surgical procedure. The recovery time from a dermal filler treatment is minor-to-negligible and apart from some minor swelling, tenderness or mild bruising, you can carry on with your daily activities immediately after the treatment (adhering to any aftercare instructions that the doctor offers you). The results you experience from facial shape alteration using dermal fillers can last anything from 9 months to 2 years, so when we say that dermal fillers are a temporary solution, it’s not as if you need to return to the clinic on a monthly basis! The results are immediate and you can leave the doctor’s office on the same day, no scalpels, no stitches and no general anaesthetic!
Dermal fillers are revered and respected as game-changers in the field of cosmetic medicine and when used safely and carefully by a fully-qualified medical professional such as Dr Dan Dhunna, can improve and restore the shape of your face from years gone by or to a more youthful and pleasing one than before.